Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3rd Email

hi!!! I LOVE SNOW!!!!!

well i am so happy that i got to be in utah for one last snow storm!!! its so beautiful at the mtc and coming down hard!! all of the crazy African or foreign people are loving it!! its so funny! its just one big snow ball fight outside!! well it crazy that i have been in the mtc for two weeks now!! it went by so so fast!! oh yeah mom dad i got your letters and loved them so much and dad its okay that you just write me!!! i love the letters!! but yeah so we lost one of our comps because he tore his ACL and had to go home to get that leg fixed!! its the comp that got an 35 on the act and has glasses!! i got pictures for you all!! well i was really lucky to have such great teachers wall i was at the mtc!! the helped me so much with all the lessons and all that fun stuff!! i feel like i need to learn so much more! well i am doing my best and i guess thats all i can do. so it sounds like the thanksgiving at home was killer hahaha! i love how you got pizza! that is so dad!! oh yeah i also got the cell phone and i returned the calling cards!! so i am pumped to have that thing!! thank you mommy!!! you always are looking out for me!! i only have like 2 hours of free time at the airport so i will do the best i can to hit all you swag muffins up on my celly!! well i dont know if you got my Nixon in the mail???? and i hope its not broken! hahah that wold be no good! but the reason i sent it home is because the first time i had it on in the mtc, one of the sisters that is from oakland, looked at me and was like boy you better not be taking that dime peace to oakland!!! and i was like um why? and she was like that watch is a target for lots of money and them gangs will hunt you down!! (in the words of the sister) so that was  that!! its on its way home! and dad, chris, justin, cici, you better not be wearing that dime peace!! hahahaha jk just dont ruin it and so it will last tell i get home!!:) so yesterday i had the opportunity to give a priesthood blessing!!!!!!!! it was so amazing and i gave it to a sister. her name was sister loy and she is serving in slc and wanted a blessing of comfort before they took off today! so i gave her a blessing and then when i was done !! i cryed like a lil baby because the spirit was so strong!!! and she cryed to so i didnt look as bad!! but the point is, i am so grateful to have that authority to do that!! it strengthened my testimony so so much!! well it is crazy that i am going to be living with my thug life homeys in oakland starting tomorrow!!! the new thing is we get a 45 cal when we get there for safety so i thought that was really nice of or mission pres.!!!!! jk i get something better!! the lord and his helping hand, and his protecting armor!! and i will do my best for him and his work!! i cant wait to see what oakland is like and the people im going to teach!! oh and dad, i told the sister missionarys to look you up the conference center! on Sunday mornings!! i told them that your the best gide there so they will be looking for you!! there names are sister loy and sister havea! they are chill.well i have a story for you all!! so on Saturday i was messing around with elder atkinsen and i was wearing mt tight h&m pants, and i thought it would be funny to jump on his back!! so as you know me!! i did. and i rapped my legs around him and RIP i split open my pants from the belt loop all the way to the zipper in the front! and it gets better i was in front of my hole zone!!! so the sisters did see my G'ed up butt....... it was a really good way to brake the ice at the mtc!!!! so those pants are done for!!!!   well i got some pictures for ya!!!

i love you all so much and i am so grateful to have such a supportive family and loving family!!! who even looks out for ky! oh and mom i cant change my pass code because it is hooked up to my lds account and you cant change it so just dont have that temptation!!!!! i love you all so much and will be talking too you soon on my new celly!!! im like the cool kid on the block with that thing hahahah!!! love, elder swaggy reynolds           never mined i will send pictures later today when i can fined a computer that work!!!! love you all!!!

November 26th Email

hey everyone!!!
well my p day is Tuesday. well things have been going good!!! i got a  other new comp. so i have two! there names are elder felsted and elder vance. they are both goons and kinda smelly but thats chill if your in to that. well just being in the mtc for 6 days and i would be crazy if i said this church isnt true!! the spirit is crazy and i am loving to teach!!! i suck at it because i dont know much but i am doing my best. waking up at 6:30 suuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkssssssss. and i miss my tv and bed............  there is this kid named elder hutchensen and he snores so so so bad, i want to kill him!!! i have not got one good night of sleep but thats bound to happen. its chill though he cant help it! but there is 5 kids in our room and its fun at night. the food is okay and it gives me the poops a lil bit:/ well i would just like to say that i truly am so happy to be a tool in the lords hands. he has helped me so much thre the first few days! oh ya thank you everyone for the care packs!!!!!!!! i got food for days!!!! im like the king of candy! oh and chris and cami and my girl cici thank you so much for the treats! and pics.! i loved that and mom i got yours today and it looks amazing!!!!! i haven't got time to look at your letters but i will! also justin and mom i got your dear elder on the 22nd and thats so cool that you can do that dear elder thing!! well i love you all so much and remember to pray with an open heart and read every day!!!!! it truly has changed my life. i will write you all back this week!!! i love letters!! i am grateful for all of you so much and the only reason it has been hard is because i have the best family ever!!!! i love you all so much and take care!!! talk to you soon! oh and the days go by slow but its crazy how fast this week has already come to an end!
love, elder swag muffin reynolds    

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saying Goodbye.

Elder Reynolds left for the MTC on November 20th, 2013. He will be English speaking, and will only be in Provo for about a week and a half. Saying goodbye was extremely difficult for all of us, but we know he will be a great missionary and can't wait to hear how he's doing. We'll be praying for him every day!